
A collective collusion of impassioned circus artists…

CirkVOST is a French circus company, specialised in all that is aerial, which came into being in 2007 when five artists from Les Arts Sauts ( Benoit Belleville, Arnaud Cabochette, Melisse Colello, Sara Sandqvist and Andy Mitchell) decided to continue theair aerial experiences together

Today 20 people are currently involved in the adventure ; several nationalities are bought together to take part in this Original Version built around a common necessity : Live performance

Creator of aerial circus, the artistic collective of CirkVOST proposes original scenic situations and settings, innovative and impressive trade marks of a company ethos dedicated to movement, the appropriation of the void and the eternal combat of not letting go…

…enamoured by air

“One cannot move without the other”

Such is the nature of the inescapable interactive relationship governing CirkVOST.
An Original Version evidently subtitled in a universal langage ; that which is read with the eyes, the ears and of course, with the heart.

Profound thanks to all those without whom all this would have been impossible…


Benoît Belleville

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Elie Rauzier

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Théo Dubray

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Cécile Yvinec

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Arnaud Cabochette

Catcher / Base

Elien Rodarel

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Jan Naets

Catcher / Base

Jef Naets

Catcher / Base

Louise Aussibal

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Jérôme Hosenbux

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Célia Casagrande-Pouchet

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Maximilien Delaire

Catcher / Base

Sébastien Lépine

Catcher / Base

Saphia Loizeau

Trapeze artist

Elena Mengoni

Trapeze artist

Sébastien Bruas

Catcher / Base

Inès Maccario

Flyer / aerial acrobat

Jean Pellegrini

Catcher / Base

Matthieu Desbordes


Megi Xexo


Sébastien Dal Palu


Matthieu Naulleau



Simon Delescluse

Lighting director

Frédéric Vitale

Technical manager

Julia Malabave

Lighting director

Adrien Meulien

Sound director

Violette Farge

Sound & lighting director


Alexandrine Bianco


Laurence Vergeot

Production Administrator

Alicia Debieuvre

Diffusion & development

The VOST Association

Based at La Grand Combe, in the south-eastern country of the Gard, CirkVOST is a non-profit making association which brings together around twenty active members ; aerial acrobats, musicians, riggers and techniciances. Despite being a company whose vocation is to tour its productions in France and worlwide, CirkVOST is also very involved in the artistic life of the territory it’s based in. The association is qualified to receive tax-deductible donations to help it with its’s work.

The Board of Directors is composed of:

Laurence De Magalhaes, President (Co-Director of Théâtre Le Rond-Point, Paris)
Eric Ledru, Treasurer (Circus Artist)
Catherine Sénècal, Secretary
Dominique Margot, Board Member (Director)
Romain Guillemot, Board Member (Director of Tiers Lieu)

Thank you for their loyalty!

The company receives operational funding from the DRAC Occitanie, the Département du Gard and la Grand Combe, the local town.

As of January 2020 CirkVOST, is entitled to aid from the French Ministry of Culture Nationally recognised circus companies – Préfet de la Région Occitanie

Administrative Information :

Head Office :
Association VOST 2 rue du dispensaire 30110 La Grand Combe
+33 (0)6 74 57 47 12
Declared identification number : W301001464
SIRET : 50266485700013
Code NAF/APE : 9001Z
Licence Number : R-19-154 attributed to Mme BIANCO Alexandrine
Inter-communitary VAT N° : FR 88502664857

Partners and friends

High rise aerial circus

Sauce Cévennes
Our neighbourhood Culinary Champions
Mécanique Vivante
Our resoundingly ingenious neighbours

Florent Bergal’s Company, enlightened director of BoO, Emois and Hur me tender

Les Lendemains
Some of our neighbours also take to the air

Christophe Schaeffer
rugby, philosophy and light design

Meyer – Tendance Floue
Photographer in touch with the world of images

Jane Kozlowski
Off the edge video artist and company friend
Isabelle Grosse
Sculptor inspired by the sound of flight

Essential : The circus and creative companies Union

Natural High Dubs
Antonin and the best dub in Lyon

Nicolas Forge does that too !

Pierre Pilatte’s company, outside eye on Epicycle

Our neighbours who High-Wire

Le Théâtre du Rond-Point
Wich our President co-directs


La Filmmachine
Our Treasurer in Action

Our musicians have got talent

Pahaska production
Our housemates

CirkVOST is supported by